Want to invest in part of a luxury auto? There’s a new platform for that

Investing in collectibles can require significant funds but owning part of something that others can only dream of offers some of the prestige for far fewer dollars.

A new platform from duPont Registry gives investors the opportunity to own a piece of a rare, luxury, investment-grade automobiles through fractional equity ownership, in partnership with specialists in the field Rally.

“Over the next five years, the classic car market is expected to grow to $51.3 billion, and we are offering everyone the ability to fractionally collect luxury automobiles and invest behind their passions,” said Rob Petrozzo, chief product officer and co-founder of Rally.

Investors can browse carefully curated vehicles on the dR Invest platform as of Tuesday, with equity purchase and sale transactions coming in the next few weeks, offered by Rally and executed by broker-dealers registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc.

Rally is backed by Jimmy Kimmel’s Wheelhouse, Alexis Ohanian, Kevin Durant’s Thirty Five Ventures and others and has enabled over 500,000 investors and collectible car enthusiasts to have access to the rarest investment-grade vehicles since its inception.

The platform also includes watches, rare books, fine art, wine, high-end sports memorabilia, blue chip NFTs, dinosaur fossils, rare books, and more.

“Before, my co-founders and I started Rally, we would collect duPont Registry magazines, being inspired by the state-of-the- art the automobiles on each page. Strong collector communities, like the one duPont Registry has grown for over three decades, is the reason why Rally exists today,” Petrozzo added.

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