Almost half of retirees want to go back to work, not always for money

Tradition has seen generations of American workers look forward to giving up work. But we’re in an age where traditions are often challenged.

While many approaching retirement – or already retired – will happily settle into the post-work life they planned, almost half of respondents to a new survey intend to delay retirement or even return to the workplace.

The poll by Fidelity & Guaranty Life found that financial concerns are the top reason for delaying retirement or for ‘unretiring’ but it’s not the only decider. Of those who have already retired, 44% have returned to work or are considering doing so with 50% citing the intellectual stimulation and 36% not wanting to feel a lack of purpose.

“While it’s understandable that those facing financial challenges would consider such steps, it’s interesting to see our survey findings underscore how much generations like Baby Boomers are reconsidering what retirement looks like and what’s important to them such as finding personal fulfillment and intellectual stimulation,” said Chris Blunt, president & CEO of F&G.


Almost two thirds of pre-retirees are thinking about delaying retirement or have already done so.

Half of this cohort are concerned about not having enough money for retirement or are worried about inflation, with 43% wanting more financial options and a larger safety net.

However, three in ten say they don’t want to retire because they love their work.

The survey revealed that 59% of pre-retirees in their 50s don’t currently work with a financial advisor or other retirement planning professional, but those who do are more likely to own an annuity (36%) than those who do not (14%).

“Leveraging the expertise of a trusted financial advisor can often make people more confident and better equipped to navigate the challenges of retirement planning with conviction and clarity,” added Blunt. “But once financial considerations are mitigated, advisors could think beyond the numbers and also consider their role helping clients plan for overall happiness – whether that involves volunteering, working full time, part-time or not at all.”

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